![Tarlen Prototips](http://ayorek.org/playground/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/TarlenPrototips.jpg)
Tarlen Handayani is the founder and organizer of Tobucil & Klabs, freelance writer and bookbinder. After following the class book bindings at Etsy Lab, Brooklyn, USA, 2008. Tarlen decided to deepen their book bindings and handmade notebooks also founded the label ‘ Vitarlenology ‘ for the handmade notebook. More about Vitarlenology:
Talk: Craftivism (Craft + Art + Activism)
Thursday, 24 October 2013
18.30 – 21.00
Ore Small Business & Cafe
Jl. Untung Suropati 83, Surabaya
How does hobby and craftivism bring about the means and conditions through which alternative values and ways of living can be imagined and shared, and practical examples for change defined and materialised? There is an increasing resurgence of amateurs and makers who, informed by peers, individual life experiences and expertise, are quietly active as they open up new channels of value and exchange by engaging in alternative craft economies and harnessing assets in often surprising, productive ways. Tarlen here will talk based on her experience managing an alternative bookstore, hobby clubs and an annual craft festival, Crafty Days.
Free and open for public.
Workshop: Bookbinding (beginner & intermediate level)
Saturday, 26 October 2013
17.00 – 21.00
Jl. Dr. Cipto 20
Surabaya 60264
Workshop materials:
- Simple binding 1 &2 bundle
- Long stitch binding
- French link binding (3 bundle+).
The number of workshop participants will be restricted to a maximum of 15 participants. Please bring your own basic tools: cutting mat, cutter, ruler dan scissors.
Rp. 150.000/person (including tools & materials: paper, cover materials, leather string to bind, needle and awl).
Contact: Deasy Esterina 0819 3193 9370
Not RequiredENTRANCE
Date: 24 Oct 2013 to 26 Oct 2013Address
Ore Small Business & Cafe , Untung Suropati 83 , Surabaya , Jawa Timur , IndonesiaContact Information
Deasy Esterina0819 3193 9370