Post a Place: Share your favourite place in Surabaya


Have you ever received a postcard of cool places from overseas or out of town? What if we share the interesting places in our own city in postcards?

There are many fun places in Surabaya. Cangkruk hangout spots. Your childhood playground. Abandoned historic buildings. A place to unwind at the end of the day.

After the success of the first round Post a Place last October, LOS Surabaya for the second time in colaboration with Ayorek cordially invite you to describe your favorite, or memorable place, in Surabaya,through postcards. You can describe it in the form of illustrations, maps or photo location, etc. Visualise and tell us why this place is a very memorable place for you!

Submissions will be exhibited on

15 December 2013, at Balai Pemuda Surabaya
16 December 2013 – 6 January 2014, at C2O library & collabtive

Terms & conditions

  1. Artists, writers, students, friends, children, anyone from a variety of professions and backgrounds from around the world can participate in this exhibition, using the media of their choice.
  2. The place described must be within the Surabaya region.
  3. A6 postcard size (105mmx148mm). Use blank postcard to complete the data
  4. Media may use photography, mixed media, illustration, comics, etc.
  5. From 9 November 2013, blank postcards and craft box will be provided at C2O if you are interested in directly creating postcards on the spot! Do not forget to bring your drawing tools!

Postcard templates & samples

Download and print this postcard template to create one. Blank postcard templates are also available at C2O library and ORE Small Business & Cafe.


Here are some postcards to give some examples. Of course, postcards are not limited to the type of images like this! Please develop your creativity in describing your favorite places in Surabaya :)

Contoh 1: Pasar Pabean


Hak milik dan pengembalian kartu pos

  1. All submissions postcards can be digitized for distribution in site using the Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial-BerbagiSerupa 3.0.
  2. In other words, postcards copyright remains with contributors. With the publication in Ayorek, this postcard to be free to use anyone, as long as: (1) gives the inclusion of a clear attribution to the contributors, (2) for the purposes of education, teaching and non-commercial, and (3) shall be disseminated by a similar license . (Please read the legal information.)
  3. All the submissions can be claimed back from C2O library from December 20 to 30 January 2014. We are sorry, after that date, the committee cannot guarantee the existence or condition of the work.

Submission deadline

7 December 2013

Send or mail the postcard to:

C2O library & collabtive
(map & direction)
Jl. Dr. Cipto 20
Surabaya 60264

For more info, contact:

LOS: Nita Darsono / HP : 082139022888 / Email : / / Twitter @c2o_library

Artworks & illustrations by Nitchii (LOS Surabaya)


Event Category


Not Required




Date: 07 Nov 2013 to 07 Dec 2013


Jl. Dr. Cipto 20 , Surabaya , Jawa Timur , Indonesia , 60264

Contact Information

LOS Surabaya

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