def-n weekly webzine

def-n is a site of noise art. We bring out everything about noise art. We do internet browsing, interviews, researches, video makings, paintings, and networking. Of course, it is ...

Indonesian Leaders of Change

Indonesian Leaders of Change (ILoC) is a social organization in the field of youth development of Indonesia to form leaders who are able to realize positive change for the ...

Los Art Surabaya

The word "los" is derived from a local Surabaya slang that means free and without limits. Los Suroboyo is a group of friends with a common hobby, namely drawing, but with their ...

Serikat Mural Surabaya

Serikat Mural Surabaya merupakan gabungan dari beberapa kelompok-kelompok street art(mural,graffiti,dll) dan personal yang ada di Surabaya dan Sidoarjo untuk membentuk suatu ...

AIESEC Surabaya

Platform for young people to develop leadership skills through projects relating to global issues AIESEC has 64 years of experience in developing high-potential youth into ...

Save Street Child Surabaya

Save Street Child is a community movement that started from a simple, uncomplicated idea to realize caring into action. So the real action really happen without going through the ...


Praoto is an independent music medium that attempts to document Surabaya music scenes and everything in between related to this juancuuk city’s music scene. Praoto, which means ...