Is a knitting club. Opened for anyone who wants to learn from scratch. Open to anyone who is proficient to share his or her expertise. Opened for anyone who loves to knit and is ...
A bunch of girls who are trying hard to survive in this cruel world, and trying to make a difference by creating anything that could keep our dreams alive, makes us happy, ...
Since its very beginning, Waft's focus has been on the tension and interplay at the interdisciplinary art practices in Surabaya, Indonesia. It was initiated through the efforts of ...
Ino Design Center merupakan pengembangan dari unit desain milik ITS yang mengkhususkan diri sebagai konsultan desain di ranah produk, grafis, arsitektur, dan pengembangan desain ...
Setara adalah wadah yang bertujuan menjadi sebuah ruang diskusi dan berpikir yang mengedepankan pemahaman sosial, budaya, ekonomi, teknologi dan politik di dalam wacana kota dan ...
Heroes CT: Komunitas Mainan di Surabaya Heroes-ct dibentuk dengan tujuan untuk mengumpulkan dan mewadahi peminat mainan & hobi terkait; pecinta, kolektor, peng-custom, ...
ANIMOTION ACADEMY is a studio and school animation, graphic design, comic books and illustrations to the public (students, university students, and the public) with professional ...
Orange House Studio (OHS) is the artist-run organization in Surabaya that has been established in October, 2010. One architect/artist from Japan and three local professionals from ...