The word "los" is derived from a local Surabaya slang that means free and without limits. Los Suroboyo is a group of friends with a common hobby, namely drawing, but with their ...
Serikat Mural Surabaya merupakan gabungan dari beberapa kelompok-kelompok street art(mural,graffiti,dll) dan personal yang ada di Surabaya dan Sidoarjo untuk membentuk suatu ...
Sebuah gerakan muda yang bertujuan untuk berbagi berbagai kegiatan - kegiatan sosial dengan cara memberi pendidikan kreativitas yang menyenangkan kepada anak - anak kecil sebagai ...
A bunch of girls who are trying hard to survive in this cruel world, and trying to make a difference by creating anything that could keep our dreams alive, makes us happy, ...
Since its very beginning, Waft's focus has been on the tension and interplay at the interdisciplinary art practices in Surabaya, Indonesia. It was initiated through the efforts of ...
Milisifotocpy established in January in the year 2011 starting from our first gathering on the activities Homemade then sparked the idea to establish an organization and by 2012 ...