Our residential LOLZcat, Charlie, is dispatched to scour the globe for juicy tidbits of urban legends and city gossips. She then curates them for her weekly round-up column, Rasan-rasan, published every Friday at Ayorek!. Feel free to send her delectable morsels of urban discoveries at rek@ayorek.org.
Arsip PRS Mani, jurnalis India yang dulu terlibat dalam Perang Surabaya; tur jalan kaki menelusuri bau; RUU kota; DIY2014 Mix2Make, dan acara-acara lainnya.
Majalah kota, apartemen mini multi fungsi di Hong Kong, bersepeda di Singapura, komik & kota, cangkruk di Chengdu, Design It Yourself 2014 Mix2Make Our City