FABLab The Legacy x DIY2013: Towards the Border


Tuesday, September 24, 2013 , pk . 18:00 to 21:00
C2O library & collabtive (how to get there)
Open to public  ♥ donation recommended

Speakers :
Tommy Suryo R | Fablab Yogyakarta Project Manager
Irene Agrivina W | Program Manager HONF Foundation
Alex Schaub | Fablab Amsterdam Manager | Fablab Teacher
Marc Boonstra | Project Manager Waag Society

Fablab THE LEGACY : " TOWARDS THE BORDER " Road Show present you activities and projects by Fablab Yogyakarta (HONFablab)—the management, collaboration and achievement of the project in several cities in Indonesia, as well as several countries in Southeast Asia to open up opportunities Fablab establishment in these areas.

About HONFablab : HONFablab was established by the Fablab Foundation in 2011, a cooperation between HONF Foundation - Yogkarta, Indonesia and Waag Society - Amsterdam, Netherlands. HONFablab Digital Fabrication Laboratory is the first of its kind in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and Southeast Asia. HONFablab is one among the global networks of Fablabs spread across the world, developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. HONFablab provides a facility for digital fabrication that has the ability to make almost everything. HONFablab opens itself to creative workers in particular and public audience in general, by offering the distributed sharing of knowledge in digital fabrication amongst the creative industry at large.

HONFablab is run according to a curriculum established by HONF Foundation. The curriculum is called Education Focus Program (EFP), concentrating on interdisciplinary scientific exchange and collaboration in the process of analysis of the critical issues that arise from these circumstances. This triggers the processing of innovative ideas to find the best solution for the problem at hand. EFP main goal is to build an open mindset and mentality in society by bridging the arts, science and technology through continuous interactive educational activities.

HONFablab EFP is designed as the main guide in planning and carrying out activities that are consistent and sustainable of all the new initiatives. EFP focuses on activities in education in the form of :

Learning to Share ( Learning by Sharing)
Learning by Exchanging ( Learning by Exchanging )
Learning to Serve ( Learning by Serving )
Learning while Doing ( Learning by Doing )

HONFablab (Fablab Yogyakarta)
Jl. Taman Siswa 59 Mergangsan, Yogyakarta 55 151
Phone : 0274-9229120

This event is part of the Design It Yourself 2013 : Prototips , the annual design conference for optimist realists, in Surabaya. Look forward to the more upcoming events!
Twitter @ c2o_library


Event Category



Not Required


Donation: ♥ donasi sukarela


Date: 24 Sep 2013
Time: 18:00 to 21:00


C2O library & collabtive , Jl. Dr. Cipto 20 , Surabaya , Jawa Timur , Indonesia , 60264

How To Get There

Take bemo lyn G, JK, M, Q, V, stop at di Jl. Dr. Soetomo (across the ex-General Consulate of the United States) or at Jl. Raya Darmo.

Contact Information

Tommy Suryo (HONFablab)
Twitter @honfablab

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