Wednesday, 23 October 2013
19.00 – 20.00
UK Petra
Gdg P no. 617
Tutus Setiawan SPd.
Pengajar, SMPLB-YPAB
Gunawan Tanuwidjaja, ST., M.Sc.
Pengajar, Arsitektur, UK Petra
This workshop is made to explain about inclusive design that can be accessed or used by as many people as possible in a reasonable and affordable way, for safe and valuable business. A part of Kuliah Kerja Pelayanan Inklusi in the Architecture Department, Petra Christian University, This activity is intended to provide an understanding of the need for design that embodies different abilities such as disabled people, the elderly, children, etc. Using case study based on a toilet design for Indonesian citizens that can also be optimally used by the blind, the workshop is meant to equip Designers, Architects, Building Owners, NGOs, etc. with better understanding of diverse needs. Free and open for public.
Event Category
Talks & WorkshopsWebsite
Not RequiredENTRANCE
Date: 23 Oct 2013Time: 19:00 to 20:00
UK Petra Gdg P no. 617 , Siwalankerto 121-131 Surabaya , Surabaya , Jawa Timur , IndonesiaContact Information
Gunawan Tanuwidjajagunteitb@yahoo.com