Indonesian Leaders of Change

Indonesian Leaders of Change - Ayorek Networks

Indonesian Leaders of Change (ILoC) is a social organization in the field of youth development of Indonesia to form leaders who are able to realize positive change for the environment.

ILoC an opportunity for youth aged 18 to 22 years to upgrade their character and abilities as a leader who is able to be a role model and positive influence on the environment wherever he is. ILoC also invites youth aged 15 to 17 years to begin to realize the role and function as a youth to eventually become leaders who dare to bring positive changes to the surrounding environment. Both the youth category will move together and collaborate.

ILoC has two focus areas of development, namely the Leadership and Social Change. In Leadership, we will learn together to be able to change (Learn to Change) through Character and Capacity Building. While in Social Change, we will share together in order to inspire (Share to Inspire) Managing through Change. Both areas are developed through various programs conducted gradually and continuously.

How to become a member:
- Following a series of Open Recruitment
- Currently, there is an age limit (maximum 23 years)
- There is a voluntary monthly contribution

Works & Activities

- Working Meeting
- Routine Forum team
- Goes to School (publication to schools)
- Talkshow "" SHAPE "" with the theme of Accomplished Young Leaders


Year Founded


Fields of Interests


085648476523 (Grandys)


Semolowaru Elok F-17 Surabaya , Surabaya , Jawa Timur , Indonesia

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