Save Street Child is a community movement that started from a simple, uncomplicated idea to realize caring into action. So the real action really happen without going through the bureaucracy and the manipulation of the spirit of the early struggles.
How to volunteer for Save Street Child Surabaya:
Come to our gathering every Saturday, at 16.00 at the Taman Prestasi (Jl. Ketabang time)
Works & Activities
Since the beginning of this community through meetups of Surabaya creative and independent youths. Some of the programs we have implemented are:
1. 1000 Books for Anjal
1000 Books for Anjal (street children) is our initial step to move through concrete actions. On June 12, 2011, we managed to collect a variety of books from various sources to be given to marginalised street children of Surabaya. We plan to build a library for the street children in future.
2. Healthy Friday
Healthy Friday is one of the actions the spirit of sharing a carton of milk
3. Asik picnic
The initial formation of the idea of picnic Asik is left of our efforts to get closer to (adjust) to the younger siblings, conducted once a month. The activities carried out since mid-July 2011 to the present. First location we visited was Kenjeran Park at the Kite Festival. And up until now we've done 6 times a picnic at different locations namely picnic Asik for Save KBS (cooperation ESIA), Picnic Fun at Masjid Cheng Ho (co Hijabers), Picnic Fun at Submarine Monument Surabaya (Cooperation Hijabee) , Picnic Fun at Rolak Outbound Kids (Kids Outbound Rolak Cooperation) and Picnic Fun at Nursery Bratang (co-Fak UNAIR HI).
4. National Children's Day Dinner welcomed
Thugs are activities undertaken to commemorate the SSCS as a form of National Children's Day. This activity was held on July 23, 2011 in the Kali tiles.
5. BukBer17an
Open Joint program of activities and Marginal Street Children 17an are activities to commemorate the month of Ramadan, which coincided with Independence Day of Indonesia. These activities were initiated on August 5, 2011 in the tile area to the present time (especially during Ramadan). Program activity has been done 12 times in different places, namely, in the JMP. Tomb Rangkah region (cooperation Garuda Indonesia), the region Stren Kali Kali tiles (cooperation Haryono SH), Go Together With UICS at Mangga Dua (UICS cooperation), Ramadan Festival in Submarine Monument (ALSA cooperation UNAIR), Open Joint in Tile Kali (Japanese Literature co-UNAIR), Open Joint On The Road by Save Street Child Surabaya, in the Gemblongan (Ma'am cooperation Fitr), and in the Airlangga University, Campus A Traffic Light (Sr. cooperation AD).
6. Cool teacher
Primary education is a necessity, especially for the age of the children. Therefore, on August 26, 2011 we made a program called "Cool Teacher". The basic objective the establishment of a program of activities as a lecturer Keren is our intention to participate in educating the children. Until now, the teaching and learning activities have been carried out in some corner of the city, such as:
- Regions Stren Kali Red Bridge Plaza (JMP) held every Tuesday through Thursday at pukul15.30 - 17:30 pm. Our students in the existing JMP about 50 of our students.
- Regions Tomb Rangkah held every day from Monday to Wednesday at 16:00 to 17:30 pm (currently under vacuum). Our students in the Tomb Rangkah already there are about 50 students.
- Bungkul Park area are held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 19:00 to 20:30 pm. Our students in the area Bungkul Park there are about 20 students.
- District Road Traffic Light dr. Moestopo (South Ambengan work) are held on every Sunday and Monday at 16:00 to 17:30 pm. Our students in this area, there are about 70 students.
We do not have a special place for teaching and learning activities as well as in schools or other institutions. The usual place we stopped was loaned by a makeshift places around the community. Even if it did not rule out such places will be evicted later by the 'policy of' Government.
But such things never deter us to always share knowledge to younger siblings. All the circumstances of this nation can be changed if there is a concern for the nation's next candidate. As seen in our jargon, If not us, who else? If not now, when? Changes in the next generation is in our hands.
7. Nonton Bareng
Nonton Bareng program has been undertaken since the date of October 28, 2011. The basic purpose of this activity is a form of learning through the medium of visualization. Throughout these years, we have carried out this activity as much as two times that, in the Tomb Rangkah and Learning Fun Event at Mall (BG Junction cooperation).
8. Raincoat
Given that the street children often work in the rain, we took the initiative to distribute raincoat to enable them to work. The activities have been carried out since December 2011
9. The little piggy
Little piggy bank or little savings have been implemented since September 25, 2011. The event was held as a form to teach the importance of early savings. By giving a locked piggy bank, we hope they can be encouraged to always set aside their money.
10. You Teaching
You're Teaching activities are devoted to program activities and Teachers Thugs Cool SSCS. This activity aims to provide skills training to the Cool Teachers Thugs and to deal with children. The event was held since February 2012, and on October 28, 2012 Yesterday we implement a second teacher workshop in cooperation Surabaya Indonesia Rungkut Library Storytelling and Ariyo Zidni or more familiar with the call @ AioDongeng.
11. Save Street Child Surabaya: With Care to Share
This is the Big Event Save Street Child Surabaya who first. This activity is processed from the date of 24 April 2012 show that the peak is on June 10, 2012. This activity is a means to show Creative Talent of our students, and also as a warning Anniversary Save Street Child Surabaya. We invited several communities in line with the SSCS and community endorse this event, such as from Alfaz Studio (Sidoarjo), Red Studio Merdeka (Surabaya), PAS (Scholarship / from Sampoerna Foundation), Suffle Dance Surabaya, Surabaya Community Beat Box, and so that we can not mention one by one. We also thank those who have been willing to enliven the event.
12. Back to School Rec
Cool activities program is made on June 22, 2012. Back to School Rec is of our concern for the brothers through a set of school needs such as school bags and stationery package complete. The program aims to help siblings welcome the new academic year in school.
13. Suroboyo Dolanan (Exhibition)
An activity in the month of December. Suroboyo Dolanan is an exhibition of traditional games. Through this event we would like to introduce back on a variety of traditional games. We hope with this event to foster a sense of empathy, social, as well as a good response to social values and culture. Therefore, in the event we make a theme of "Because We Unitized By Love And Play", through traditional games as well as to commemorate the day of national unity.